About Us

About North Pointe Elementary

About Us
North Pointe Elementary School is helping all students develop the World Class Skills of the Profile of the South Carolina Graduate by providing diverse educational experiences which encourage students to think critically, act responsibly, and communicate effectively in order to become college and career ready.

Opened in 2012, North Pointe is a 4K - 5th grade elementary school located on the north end of Anderson, SC, five miles from the city center.  North Pointe is a state of the art, two-story, 134,000 square foot facility built on thirty-seven acres.  The school serves the needs of its students and community with forty-one classrooms, science and technology labs, a full size gymnasium, playground and walking track, media center, auditorium, and cafeteria.  
Student success is the heart of North Pointe's mission.  Our highly qualified teachers and staff are committed to providing rigorous instruction to meet each students' academic needs.  Through the use of a variety of instructional strategies, assessments and progress monitoring data, students receive whole group and small group instruction for the purposes of acceleration, intervention, or reinforcement of skills.  Every student in kindergarten through fifth grade receives a Chromebook for 1:1 technology integration.
Daily reading instruction is founded on the Balanced Literacy model, providing students with independent, shared and guided reading.  Daily math instruction is based upon the math workshop model which engages students in a math-rich environment of workstations, whole group and small group learning.  In addition, teachers work closely with our Reading Coach to prepare integrated units of study, which allow science and social studies standards to be integrated into math and reading units, all based upon the South Carolina College and Career Ready Standards.
Our Parent Teacher Organization is an integral part of our school community, providing monthly Family Nights and fundraising events, as well as sponsoring many programs for our students and teachers. Each fall we kick off the school year with our Fall Festival, a carnival-type event which allows students and parents to become more acquainted with our school and staff.  Each spring, the PTO engages our families in a fundraiser for our school’s literacy program and other school-wide initiatives which culminates in a "Day of Awesomeness" for all students.  The PTO sponsors our "Terrific Kid" character recognition program.  During a monthly celebration, students from each classroom are recognized for the month’s character trait, a focal point for our school-wide guidance program.  All of these events have become special traditions and helped to build a positive school culture.

North Pointe believes in educating the whole child, with opportunities for arts and athletics during the school day with Art, Music, PE, Media, and Guidance, but also through our after school clubs.  Students can participate in Art Club, Running Club, Stock Market Club, Chorus, and others throughout the school year.  All students are given the opportunity to participate in a musical program and art show at each grade-level, as well as Field Days and the end of year Talent Show for 3rd-5th grades.

An emphasis is placed on giving back to the community through partnerships with local churches and organizations in our town.  Our student council organizes canned food drives and other opportunities for giving each year.  Last fall, students brought in towels and dry goods for those who lost their homes from the devastation of hurricanes in our state and spent an afternoon working with our local food bank.  Our parents and teachers prepared and served a meal at a local non-profit organization in the downtown area this spring.  The students and staff continue to look for opportunities to give back to our community.

These are just a few of the many reasons North Pointe continues to perform at the highest level in the district.  Our mission and focus will be to help students learn and grow in order to become graduates, lifelong learners and productive citizens of the future.